LDS Pals

SOULMATE4U190 - 61 year old man from Hartford, Connecticut

LDS Singles Soulmate4u190
61 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
Hartford, Connecticut
Self Employed
Mission: yes
Temple Worthy
No Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

I'm Collin Brittany but friends call me Cool Collin. I work for Dell shipping company as a shipper before but now i own my job. I own a Pets store. I'm a Big animal lover and love kids. I live in Hartford city CT. I was born and raised in Ontario Canada but later move here to live and settle down. I'm looking for an independent woman who understands that trust is essential to any friendship or relationship that works. I'm a very passionate man in my professional and personal life. I believe that honesty and standing up for your beliefs are of the utmost importance, the best path is not always the easiest but being a good person with a high standard of morals has it's own rewards. I'm a romantic man and I love to laugh and enjoy life.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I like to fish, tent camp, walk trails (the Nature Center is a great place!) and think zoos, museums and rodeos are also fun.

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