LDS Pals

JOSHUAWALDEN56 - 60 year old man from Delray Beach, Florida

LDS Singles joshuawalden56
60 years old
Black Hair
Hazel Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
Delray Beach, Florida
Mission: ny
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Frequently Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

hi, I'm Joshua Walden. I'm always looking forward to the future and finding the good and fun parts of it. I'm extremely confident but I know my shortcomings. I know to admit when I'm wrong. I don't have enough fingers for all the pies I want to get my fingers into. I'm privileged to have a lot of diverse friends from all walks of life. I get passionately involved in my big interests in my life. I prefer character to cute, i like watching News,football soccer and movies. I know how to treat a woman with respect. I'm affectionate, have my romantic but original moments, appreciate fun and funny. I will love the one I'm with more each day than I did the day before. I will trust and respect her, laugh and cry with her, loving her faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face. for if you love someone you have to trust them unconditionally. I love kids too.

My Interests and Hobbies:

kids are amazing. I love adventure.

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