LDS Pals

PENN010111 - 45 year old woman from Sacramento, California

LDS Singles penn010111
45 years old
Black Hair
Hazel Eyes
5 ft.  4 in.
Average Build
Never Married
Sacramento, California
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm finlnad and I've been a member in the church since 2013. The teachings of our Heavenly Father made me stronger to face all the challenges and trials in my life. I'm grateful lord in my life. He is my strength and my EVERYTHING.

I moved to sacramento, California on 2012. It's where I started building my own family and i lost my husband in 2013. It didn't stay long. It took long years before I finally accepted that he is gone not really destined to stay the way I expected. Our Heavenly Father helped me to move on!.... I should move on and wait for the Right Person and be My ETERNAL Friend and a Husband. .....I know that Heavenly Father knows my desires from within and I do believe that HE has prepared something BETTER for me.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I'm hoping to find someone who could join me build an Eternal Family. Someone who has Strong Testimony about the church. Who has Strong Sense of Responsibility towards his family.Who does not give up no matter what. Who remains Optimistic even everything seems not doing well. Above all, he sets a good example to our future children. I hope that this man exists on this site.

If you think you have all these qualities, pls feel free to message me. Who knows, you might be that SOMEONE I've been waiting for! I would love to know you better :)

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