LDS Pals

NEONCOLOREDLUVX3 - 32 year old woman from Dayton, Ohio

LDS Singles neoncoloredluvx3
32 years old
Brown Hair
Green Eyes
5 ft.  2 in.
Above Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Dayton, Ohio
Mission: no
Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. (Alma 32-21)

hello, my name is Bethany

I am a hopeless romantic, i am looking for something real and honest.

Interest:I love art,museums,stargazing,music,learning new things,reading,singing in my car,dreams are amazing, ketchup makes food better, weightlifting,Dancing. Indie /folk/ alternative music is the best but i love all types! dislikes:mayo,running,drugs,politics ,bugs

aspirations: to graduate college (psychology-relationship and marriage counseling),own my own business in the future,get married and have kids travel the world,write a book, learn to play piano/guitar, learn a foreign language

Things I am looking for: a guy that isn't afraid to be 100% himself, someone fun and caring that has a sense of humor,intelligence is a big turn on, someone witty and sarcastic would be great and someone easy on the eyes is never a bad thing :)

My Interests and Hobbies:

what i do for fun:
Mmh i love all types of movies and music, i enjoy activities like volleyball, gatorball ect..
I go to the yellow rose every weekend and dance with my friends
i love to read, and i enjoy making art when i find time.
I also like going to the temple at random times even if it is just sitting in the waiting room and studying the scriptures :)

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