LDS Pals

ANNIEP13 - 41 year old woman from Mesa, Arizona

LDS Singles anniep13
41 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  4 in.
Plenty to Love Build
Never Married
Mesa, Arizona
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

My name is Andrea but my friends and family call me Annie. I have a strong sense of self and I'm confortable with who I am. There are always things to work on and I'm always striving to do and be better because let's face it, nobody's perfect. I don't have any children myself but it doesn't bother me if you do. I try to be a positive person and find that I'm most attracted to someone that has a positive outlook on life and has a positive effect on the people around them. I'm self sufficient and independent. Money is nice to have but I don't think how much you make is as important as living within your means and managing it well. I'm a project coordinator for a mannufacturing company in Phoenix and I've been there for 4-1/2 years. I someday want to do foster care and I'm working towards a degree in parent education. So I'm looking for someone that would be comfortable with that. I'm a military brat and we moved all the time growing up. I'm the second oldest of 6 children (2 girls, 4 boys). I really just want to meet new people and make some new friends so please don't hesitate to say hi. :)

My Interests and Hobbies:

This isn't in any kind of order: hiking, fishing, camping, collecting quotes, scrapbooking, cooking for someone besides myself, giving presents (especially for no reason), road trips, reading, watching old movies.

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