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DAN78 - 46 year old man from Idaho Falls, Idaho

LDS Singles dan78
46 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Slender Build
College Graduate
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Business Owner
Mission: yes
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
2 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

A little about me...
I know every girl has written a list of what she wants in a guy. So here is a list of who I am:
Financially Secure
Genuinely caring for others
Spiritualy strong
Remembers important occasions
Loves family
Loves kids
Open about feelings
Great smile
Exercises and eats right

I have 2 kids that mean the world to me. I love families and enjoy children a lot. Family takes priority over all else for me. If your not into kids then it wouldn't work out.

I am really into self improvement. Physically, personality and spiritually. I believe that life is best lived by having experiences and experiences are best shared with someone you care about. I wanted to always make sure I had the time and means to do what I wanted in life. So I created a business that allows me to prioritize the people who are important to me above all else.

I am easy going, but still very goal oriented. I love to have fun.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love doing all kinds of things for fun. Skiing, whitewater rafting, climbing, hiking, camping, shooting, four wheeling, dirtbikes, working out, dining out. All of my hobbies require being in shape, so I make sure I am in great shape. I like lifting weights. I hate cardio on a machine, but love it if I can do it outside.

Lately, I have really been bitten by the traveling bug. I went to Alaska and Cabo San Lucas in 2008 along with a ton of National Parks. I went to Grand and Little Cayman in 2009 along with Baja. I would also like to get to Canada for skiing and also a few other places as well. When I don't feel like traveling as far and want to go somewhere cozy I usually go to my cabin in Montana. Nothing is nicer than a warm fire and snow falling outside.

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