LDS Pals

SWEET_GENE - 74 year old woman from San Diego, California

LDS Singles sweet_gene
74 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
High School
San Diego, California
Therapist and all around beautician
Mission: no
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
4 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm not really good in introduction. My friend call me gene, they say I'm sweet, loving person a hardworking woman. I appreciate life Heavenly Father has given me. To me, Family is very important. I'm very flexible person with big heart enough to accomodate for those person who are close to my heart. I'm very active in the church and aslo Im a god fearing person. I have a strong testimony in the church which leadeth me to be a very faithful and strong person. I always love to be around with a nice people.
Life to me is so precious, i had so much trials and darkness in my life. But Heavenly Father shows me how to walk again. And he shwos me the way to overcome all of it. Im very strong woman. Very decisive too. I'm very honest.
I hope to find someone here to be my eternal companion.
Furthermore, I'm just new in this site, They say this works and rightnow I'm trying. I hope to find a lifetime com panion who loves to go church and enjoy life. I'm not a boring, i hate drama.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love any sports, cooking, planting, gardening, walking, Excercising, cleaning the house. I love listening to church music. I attend church activities.

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