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DAYANA - 42 year old woman from Sta. Rosa, Philippines

LDS Singles dayana
42 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  6 in.
Slender Build
Never Married
Graduate Work
Sta. Rosa, Philippines
Airport Operation Assistant
Mission: not yet
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

My full name is Diana Rose Basconcillo Fantony
My name was derived from my parents name which is Diadem
and Rosemarie.
I am a mixed of Spanish, Italian and Filipino.
Childish, mischievous, fragile and true.
I am of good breeding and I believe that I have not only the form, but most importantly, the substance of a true being.
im a tourism graduate, i am working right now at the airport as a ground attendant and airport operation asst., i want to become a flight attendant in the near future.
i am friendly, easy to be with, have a soft heart, bubbly, cheerful..
Who dreams to be treated as a princess and be rescued by a charming prince and write my own match made in Heaven Love Story,, haha..
What Inspires me?
Temple Marriage
Missionary Works
Family Home evening
clouds, sun, rainydays, rainbows, skies full of stars
my Family, church and GOD..

i was born on the covenant.
i am now serving as a mia maid teacher to the young women very thankful and so blessed to be a member of the only true church here in the face of the Earth..

I am joining this site because I want to meet new guy friends, and who knows, but with luck I might even be able to find my eternal companion. .. you can contact me through YM, my id is qt_dopamine yahoo. com

My Interests and Hobbies:

i love extreme sports, like wall climbing,rock climbing mountain climbing, spelunking.. i play softball, im a catcher actually.. asides from that i love singing (i sing on ktv a lot. hehe), dancing, cooking and baking..
i write poems, i love writing, infact i had wrote a mini novel of my own..i love photography and paintings too.

i love to go shopping, going to movies, i love music, beach, my beauty sleeps, polka dots, funky shoes, hip clothes, accessories, macadamia nuts, junk foods esp. potato chips, i dig into a lot of chocolates, ice creams and cakes esp blueberry cheesecake..hmmm, yummy, i love it.. i have a sweet tooth.. haha
i am a couch potato, movie marathon during my spare time..
i get bored when i do nothing..that's me..

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