LDS Pals

MONK - 47 year old man from Mineral Wells, Texas

LDS Singles monk
47 years old
Brown Hair
Hazel Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Above Average Build
Some College
Mineral Wells, Texas
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
2 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

hello is always a good place to start. my name is johnathon.i was raised in the church, but have made many bad decisions in my past that has led me to stray away from the church. but i have been active for two years now and still have a love for the church.
my eteranal soulmate is someone that was also raised in the church, but has made some mistakes in the past and has slipped from time to time and understands that theres always a chance for mistakes in the future. someone that is not only going to be my wife, but also my best friend. someone that will stand at my side and face my fears, troubles, and problems while encourageing me to stay strong. someone who will just love me for me. and to this person i will give you everything, devote my life to you, and promise to be there for you in the best of times, and in the worst. i want so badly to feel the kind of love that consumes your world, takes your breath away, and makes you feel like a kid every wakeing moment that i am with you. does this seem like the kind of life you would want to share?

My Interests and Hobbies:

interests are boreing!! but what i LOVE is to hang out with friends and got to rock concerts!!! im a huge toadies fan!! i enjoy camping hiking fishing and about anything outdoors! but most of all i yearn to have the right girl at my side!! i miss getting lost in the woman i loves eyes, hearing her soft whispers in my ear, and offering up her ideas, wants, wishes, and dreams!!!! the best way to contact me is-----johnathonhamm-----at yahoo. if you take the time to write me i will always write you back

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