LDS Pals

BLEUDRAGON - 53 year old woman from Las Vegas, Nevada

LDS Singles BleuDragon
53 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  5 in.
Average Build
Some College
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hotel Industry
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
2 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I am just your slightly above average all american girl. I love the feel of the great outdoors. Nothing compares to waking up in the early morning and drawing in a deep breath of fresh mountain air. Camping is a favorite pasttime for my kids and I. You can find me at Zion or at Valley of Fire.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I am a hodge podge of music favorites. Growing up at home I listened to music like the Grand Canyon Suite (from my dad), showtunes (grandma), classical (mom). School days introduced me to Queen, Styxx. I like old rock n roll, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis. Music was always a part of our family.

Moonlite walks in the park, watching a sunrise or sunset. Standing in the middle of a huge meadow, close my eyes and just breathe. Climbing mountains, swimming, horseback riding. Drive-Ins, snuggling up to a roaring fire.

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