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QTQWERTY - 38 year old woman from Seattle, Washington

LDS Singles QtQwerty
38 years old
Brown Hair
Hazel Eyes
5 ft.  7 in.
Above Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Seattle, Washington
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Frequently Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hi my name is Joy. I am 20 and I live in Seattle attending the University of Washington. I am working on my English major and Spanish minor, which I will finish in August THANK HEAVENS!!! I plan on going on a mission in September. Once I return from my mission I am going to go to law school and be a prosecuting attorney. I love laughing and am pretty easy going. I am a social butterfly and cherish all my friends. I also have the cutest Yorkshire Terrier named Romeo. I hate being cold! So once I get outta law school I plan to move to Arizona or some place as equally wonderful and hot.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Random Facts about me:

-I am a Senior at the University of Washington and am going to graduate in August. -I am the youngest of 7 kids, but I am not any more spoiled than they are. -I love languages, thus I am majoring in English and I study Spanish on the side. -I want to be a prosecuting attorney. -I am normally really easy going and just love to have fun. Life is WAY too short to be serious. My friends would tell you that I will almost never say no to a dare. -I love adrenaline rushes. I love rafting, repelling, roller coasters and really want to go bungee jumping and sky diving. -I will try almost anything once. This desire has gotten me into trouble a few times in my life, but you learn and you move on. -I love being social and would do anything for my friends. That said it is very difficult for me to consider someone a real friend. I try to be nice to everyone, but I have to know someone quite a while to trust them enough to consider them a real friend. Yet, once someone becomes my friend they are my friend forever unless they break it by either betrayal or their own desire. -I love to write--poetry, stories doesn't matter what it is. -I love talking on the phone and do it for hours on end. -I love going to concerts and beating up guys in the pit and crowd surfing. -I love laughing! I love laughing to the point that I am crying and I feel like I have done a billion sit-ups. If I could laugh at least a few hours a day I would feel that I fulfilled my life. -I like to ski and snowboard, but I am not good at all. I would like to learn more. -I also love playing my guitar, but I am not good at that. -I love to watch movies and the Simpsons. I own every season of the Simpsons that is out. -I love animals. My favorite animal is a lion. I have a Yorkshire Terrier named Romeo and he is the fiercest 3 lb dog you will ever meet. He is my favorite thing I own and I love him to pieces. -I hate being cold. I want to live in Hawaii, Arizona or California when I get older. -I hate judgmental people and labels. -I hate shallow people. If you really define people by the way they look then you should probably not talk to me. -I love to drive really fast, but I hate driving because of cops and other drivers. I have REALLY bad road rage. -I love hot chocolate and hot apple cider. -I love water--to drink and to play in, but I hate being in a swimming suit. -I love music. I listen to music most hours of the day in order to exemplify the mood I am in. -I love to travel. My favorite country that I have been to thus far is Italy and I want to go back. I would not mind living there at all. -I hate homework, but I always do it. -My favorite color is black and I love the controlled feeling of fear (ya know the one you get when watching a scary movie or in a haunted house or something like that? Where you are afraid but you know it is fake?), but I am scared of the dark. -I don't like fake or mean people. -I am who I am.

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