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JOHNRT1 - 77 year old man from Indiana

LDS Singles johnrt1
77 years old
Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
Engineer (Manager)
Mission: Joined Church 1967 - Plan to serve after retired -
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
4 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

My relationship to the Lord, my family and The Church come first in my life. I have a Masters degree from BYU. I'm not good at putting these sorts of things together and wish someone could do it for me. I love to be around people and enjoy a good laugh. My kids say I am too serious, which is probably true. I now listen to them because they are all adults and probably have a better touch with reality than I do. I can get way too focused on things. I am loyal to a fault and continue working at improving who I really am. I love and enjoy my children and grandchildren. Serving and helping others is important to me. Because I enjoy others I hate to be alone. I will do almost anything once and if it's something you enjoy I will put it on my list too. Your goals could become mine. If you are the right one - you will be on the TOP of my list.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love to travel and see the wonders created. I love the mountains and enjoy our national parks. I enjoy eating out - almost anything. I own golf clubs, consider the game to be frustrating at best, but can't seem to give it up. Spending time pondering things is relaxing. A good movie, play, concert, hiking, a walk or a good book can fill my time. I love to listen to piano music. I enjoy shopping and doing new things to expand who I am or will become. Working around the house is relaxing and I enjoy yard work. Sometimes I think I should have been a farmer. I enjoy creating things and have a completed a couple of potential inventions. I find woodworking relaxing, but would consider myself more of a "wood butcher" than a carpenter. I have built a home addition and several nice wood decks and consider myself a good "handyman". I love to look at and modify house plans. I would like to write a book. I find enjoyment being with that someone special.

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