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BUTFORTHEGRACEOFGOD - 64 year old woman from NW Coast, Oregon

LDS Singles ButfortheGraceofGod
64 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  3 in.
Plenty to Love Build
Some College
NW Coast, Oregon
Mission: Korea Seoul West
Temple Worthy
No Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
3 Children, 3 at home
My Introduction:

I'm a single mom. God has blessed me with three beautiful children. I have been a widow 5 years of December 2006. I work fulltime at an assisted living community.

My Interests and Hobbies:

A long walk on the beach is peaceful and relaxes me. I love to dance. Bicycling, hiking, reading, traveling, trying new things, movies, games, computers, art, spending time with family, my work because I get to help others, laughing in the rain, enjoying a sunny summer day, thunder and lightning storms...gosh I could go on and on. I would have to say my main interests are Church and family... and just being happy ;] I hope to find a good friend .......if I'm lucky someone special to spend the rest of my life with.......and if I'm REALLY luck I'll find both.......

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