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THEBESTOFWHATSAROUND - 49 year old man from Las Vegas, Nevada

LDS Singles thebestofwhatsaround
49 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Slender Build
College Graduate
Las Vegas, Nevada
Account Manager
Mission: Pennsylvania Pittsburgh
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Frequently Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I am a very intelligent, driven, and kind-hearted guy who is looking for someone who still believes that the "fairy tale" of falling desperately in love and finding that certain someone who is your end-all be-all can happen. I'm divorced, and my divorce has taught me SO many things, but most of all it has taught me that I will not settle for anything less than the "fairy tale". I want to fall head-over-heels and I want to hurt when I'm not with "her" (whomever "her" is), and I need to be with someone who is as passionate and loving in relationships.

I am a total goofball as well. I've got a great sense of humor and I'm constantly trying to make everyone around me laugh and have a good time. Life can drag you down and there are so many people out there who will drag you down as well, and I feel like one of my responsibilities is to make as many people smile everyday as I can.

I can't stand judgmental people, and although the person I'm with MUST have a strong testimony of the Gospel and the Savior, I never judge someone for the mistakes they've made in life. All I ask is that she learns from those mistakes, doesn't judge others for what they've done, and moves on.

Family is without question my top priority. My son is the most important aspect of my life and I love him desperately. He motivates me everyday to work hard and do my best to make the right decisions. I love doing family things more than doing anything else.

I have a phenomenal job and I don't need someone to take care of me....I DON'T NEED A MOMMY! I want a partner and someone to walk hand-in-hand into the eternities.

My Interests and Hobbies:

As far as things I love to do the most, hanging out with my son tops the list EASILY! I LOVE doing the "family thing" and there is nothing better than just going to the park and hanging out with the "Little Dude" as he runs around squealing and having a good time.

When I'm not with my boy, music is my biggest love. Going to concerts is my favorite thing in the world to do. There's just nothing like the experience of live music. I've seen the Dave Matthews Band 36 times, and I'm into other stuff like Zep, The Pixies, Wolfmother, The Killers, The Raconteurs, The White Stripes, Elton John, NEIL DIAMOND (don't even laugh!), and so many other types. I play the guitar and sing (although I'm pretty shy about the latter).

I love playing golf, tennis, and most any other sport. I love camping too. It is important to me to keep myself in decent shape, and I enjoy lifting weights. It really is important for me to be with someone who tries to keep herself in shape as well....I'm not asking or looking for perfection, but I am expecting an effort. I want to always look good for my significant other so she'll be physically attracted to me, and I do expect the same in return.

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