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DFROMPARKCITY - 53 year old man from West Jordan, Utah

LDS Singles DfromParkCity
53 years old
Brown Hair
Green Eyes
5 ft.  8 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
West Jordan, Utah
Mission: Jacksonville, FL
No Temple Recommend
Frequently Attends Church
3 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I am a handsome, bright, well educated, and successful businessman, hoping to find a beautiful, witty, intelligent and most of all, fun woman to share the adventures that I plan to have before I get sent kicking and screaming into a retirement home. If you are mining for precious metals, take your golden shovel to the next sucker. Got taken to the cleaners in round 1, but I am much wiser and better protected.

What I've missed most the past 4 years is the touch of a woman, cuddling up to watch a movie, and the affection of a woman. I am certainly not perfect and I guess I do have a bit of an adventurous side, but it doesn't get me in much trouble. If you want a non-judgemental guy that can love unconditionally, maybe and you have those samecharacteristics, we may have a match. Drop me a note and let us find out!

My Interests and Hobbies:

I am always up for doing something fun. I have never rock climbed, kayaked, sky dived, or any of that hard-core granola stuff. I think it is because my one of my former careers had more adrenaline rushes that all of that "high-adventure" stuff combined. I am not saying I would'nt try that stuff, I just have'nt had the right encouragement to do so yet.

I am definitely a car guy. I love European cars and have almost had the entire collection over the past 10 years (No British junk). I love getting into a nice car with a lot of horsepower and going on fun road trips. Vegas is definitely my favorite destination. Unfortunately, the front seat navigator position is currently open!

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