LDS Pals

XXKIZXX - 50 year old man from West Jordan, Utah

LDS Singles xxkizxx
50 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Average Build
Some College
West Jordan, Utah
Mission: None
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Seldom Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm one of those guys that just does their own thing. I don't mind being in charge or following the leader. I don't get intimidated either way. I live life by the golden rule and I treat people with respect. I truely believe I'm honorable, honest, and loyal and take pride in that. I work hard so that I can play hard. Oh, and I love to make people laugh.
Oddly, friends and family acuse me of being metro. I call it good grooming habits and decent fashion sense. I don't think it's a bad thing that there's no dirt under my fingernails.
Anyway I'd like to make some gal friends and eventually find the "one". I like girls that aren't afraid to be a little aggresive so if your interested and I haven't found you, say hi to me. Maybe I just missed your profile.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I like hiking, boating, sports, travel, snowboarding, reading, movies, card games, board games, adventure, on and on and on.... trying new things.

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