LDS Pals

MARCELITA - 41 year old woman from Santiago, Chile

LDS Singles marcelita
41 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
4 ft.  3 in.
Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Santiago, Chile
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
No Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hello everybody!!! I am Marcela and I live in Chile, South America. I've been member of the church since 1991, I baptized whe I was 9 years old with my mother, then the rest of my family baptized, and the last person was my dad (dec.2000). We sealed at the temple in 2002 and now we are happier. About me, I am a very nice person, some times I have bad tempered, but I am allways happy.
I give a lesson the second sunday to the ladies of the Relief Society at church, I also work at the talent committee of Young Aduldts and sing at the choir. I work as a secretary and after all that I have time to go to the gymn, I can't be at home without doing anithing.
I want to get married and be sealed at the Temple and share the rest of my life and eternity with my worthy husband.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Read the scriptures every day and read other books of course, sing, dance, specially salsa and I love to dance cueca. The cueca is the tipical dance of my country, actually, I danced cueca to the President Hinckley at the cultural event for the rededication of the Santiago Temple on march, I like going out with my friends and cooking.

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