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DRAGONFLY33 - 51 year old woman from Phoenix, Arizona

LDS Singles dragonfly33
51 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  6 in.
Average Build
Some College
Phoenix, Arizona
Rehab Assistant
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
2 Children, 2 at home
My Introduction:

I have posted a picture but it is blury.. So check it out my photo albums there are more there. Plus tons of others that are just as important to me!

Okay Now.... let's get this started........
I am a fun-loving, happy, and positive single mother of two kids who loves to live life to it's fullest. I always look for the best in other people. I would like to meet someone who is honest, upfront, and happy with who they are. I really want someone who can accept me as I am and "hang in there when things get tough." My relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus means everything to me. I love my family more than anything. I have a very strong desire to live, learn, grow, and hopefully be found worthy when my earth life experience is over. I was born in the LDS church. I want to continue to learn more and more about our gospel through faith, prayers, and keeping God's commandments.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Okay this should be fun... We have a minpin Brie she is just over a year old. We also have a hairless rat Cloe..
Let's see I love song (even if it's off key), dance (even if I have 2 left feet), watching sports mainly football, basketball (OKAY the PHOENIX SUNS are my Favorite and I tend not to miss a game.. )and baseball. I do like to watch wrestling with my son. I like to go hiking, camping, walking, watching good movies, reading a varitey of books. I love to travel and hope to do more with my children before they are grown up and gone.
I love to spend as much time with my kids, family and friends. We have enjoyed going swimming, or hanging out renting movies!
I also love spending time alone and during the summer my kids go to Colorado with their Dad, I find I have a lot of time on my hands, I would like to spend one of these summers with someone special, getting to know each other and hanging out!

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