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CHRISSUNDANCE - 54 year old man from Sundance, Utah

LDS Singles chrissundance
54 years old
What Hair? Hair
Green Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Average Build
College Graduate
Sundance, Utah
Mission: Bangkok, Thailand
No Temple Recommend
Frequently Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Too many people have a hard time with this. I on the other hand, do not. I will therefore, tell it how it is. I consider myself a pretty down-to-earth kinda guy with a somewhat crazy, adventurous edge. There is nothing I would not do for someone in need and I love life in every capacity and am looking for someone to share that with. I'm not into playing games because 1. I really don't have the time and 2. I believe in any relationship whether it be friends or more, there must be complete honesty, humor, patience and communtication. So....if you still feel like you qualify and are willing to flip the coin,LOL, drop me a line and remember a wise man once said,"Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what your gonna get." FG

My Interests and Hobbies:

Music,Golf,Kids,Fishing,Traveling,Writing Music,Watching a scary movie, Sleeping with the windows open while it rains, Working out, Trying new foods, Composing Music, Long drives with the top down, Spending time with my daughter, Listening to music...I really love Music!!! Getting dressed up and going to the Opera/Ballet, Dressing down and going to a Rock Concert. Whew!!! O.K.... Your turn!

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