LDS Pals

KAYMICH200 - 46 year old man from Ikeja, Nicaragua

LDS Singles kaymich200
46 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
6 ft.  3 in.
Average Build
Never Married
College Graduate
Ikeja, Nicaragua
Mission: winners chapel
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I am looking for someone who is kinesthetic, likes the outdoors, is a motivated goal seeker, compassionate and dependable.
Perhaps you are an educated women wishing to further your chosen career, or simply a women who is content to be a homemaker and follow your pursuits. I am flexible.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Music Classic Rock
Movie Documentary
Outdoor activity Sailing
Indoor activity Reading
Time of year Spring
Food British
Self-description Intelligent and motivated
Looks Average looking
Mentality Bright
Politics Open Minded
Great getaway A cruise in the Caribbean
Living quarters House
Like to live A house on the beach
Timeliness I am usually on time
Planning I plan most things, but I am flexible
As for fashion I don't care about the latest fashions

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