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DEBBIE0 - 33 year old woman from Phoenix , Arizona

LDS Singles Debbie0
33 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  6 in.
Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Phoenix , Arizona
Sales rep
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Occasionally Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

Hello! My name is Debbie. I am a talented, fun, witty, personable, intelligent, loving, affectionate person, and much, much more. I have a son that lives with me TARIQ by name .I am looking for someone similar with whom I can connect with on every level and doesn’t see age as a barrier in . Someone who I can have deep discussions with and I don’t have to carry the conversation, but who can also enjoy the lighter side of things with me. Someone who can date me in person and really get to know me. This online stuff is NOT dating. I’m not into wasting time, hooking up, or non-committal make-out sessions. I’m looking for someone to build a strong friendship with that will eventually lead to an eternity together. Someone who shares the same morals and values I embrace, and is willing to work hard to help create a long-lasting, healthy relationship. When it comes to money and a career, it is nice to have money and be comfortable, but that is not what I am about. I just hope you are a hard worker, love what you do, and are happy. I am a willing and able partner. I am very willing to relocate, share in everyday responsibilities, and do my best to help alleviate burdens.

My Interests and Hobbies:

WANT TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN AND START A FAMILY. If you don’t, that is fine, but it is a deal-breaker for me. I love all animals, but when it comes to pets, I am partial to dogs. To me, no family is complete without one. I love going out and trying new things. I enjoy traveling and experiencing new places, going to restaurants and tasting new cuisines, meeting interesting people, and even watching a movie at the theater on occasion. I also enjoy evenings at home listening to music, doing puzzles and word games, watching movies, playing board games or cards, or anything fun and wholesome that brings a family together. I would love to have an active and adventure-filled life with someone who will join me in the journey. Someone who will work out with me, go on drives, cuddle on the couch, and attend church together. Someone who is in it for the long haul and doesn’t contemplate divorce when the going gets tough.

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