LDS Pals

BILLYALISON - 43 year old man from Alabama , Alabama

LDS Singles Billyalison
43 years old
Blonde Hair
Other Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
College Graduate
Alabama , Alabama
Rig engineering
Mission: no
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Frequently Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

Hello everyone. I'm new here so may take me a few days to find my way around. I'm looking for friendship initially and then who knows! Don't be shy, come say hello. I will reply to your messages. Looking forward to meeting new friends on here. I'm a very active member of the church and I'm hoping to find the same values in my future partner. I'm really no good at doing this! As you can see. ## For your information I am not interested in Catfishers, scammers or fake profiles. I DON'T DO MESSENGER Please don't contact me unless you are a genuine, honest and real person. ## SO TIRED OF TELLING YOU I DON'T DO MESSENGER AND WHATSAPP !! ## IF YOU CALL ME "MY Dear" OR SAY "HELLO Dear"OR ASK WHERE I'M FROM, OR IF YOU ARE A MILITARY MAN OR A CIVIL ENGINEER.... THEN YOUR MESSAGES WILL BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY ## So very tired of all the fake guys on this site. Please don't message me if you are using other people's photos. Pretenders Liars Fakers. Scammers. Do Not Message Me

My Interests and Hobbies:

There is before me a vision of beauty and charm. The most delightful fruit of exquisite taste. A restorative fountain of virtuous waters. Life’s greatest force of unbreakable spirit. Utopia’s architect of futuristic dreams only reachable through her true desires. Flesh and blood’s healer of the heart’s greatest wounds. Heaven’s enchantress of pure passion and warmth. And my creator of my soul’s perfect seductive ecstasy. This is what I see in the woman whom I seek as my rock and foundation, as my warrior and greatest champion, as my siren and muse, as my goddess and queen, as my mistress and beloved, as my truest friend and confidant, and as my wife. The mother of the children of whom the two of us shall bring into this world and raise to be a most righteous generation and who shall leave this world better than they found it. PS: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am really only on here to meet Single Sisters who share my faith or perhaps someone who is earnestly investigating the Church.

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