LDS Pals

TALK2JUAN - 53 year old man from Puerto Rico

LDS Singles talk2juan
53 years old
Black Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  2 in.
Above Average Build
Puerto Rico
Mission: yes
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm a simple, lonely, romantic guy who is looking for a strong woman shoulder. I'm honest and sparks a person. I appreciate every moment of my life, I want to give everything to my beloved person. You can always rely on me, I know that my friends trust me and consider me a good person. I'm serious about finding my beloved woman. Who will not leave me halfway, not betray and will do everything to make me happy. A woman who will give all of himself to relationship. It's very nice when you can talk with a woman on different topics. I think it's very sexy. A woman must be kind, sincere and purposeful

My Interests and Hobbies:

I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in the woods holding, hands, candlelight dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies, and playing romantic piano for that special person. I love snuggling and sharing passionate kisses with that special person... i enjoy swimming alot, dinners watching movies cuddling with the one i love spending time with family and friends and just being with the one i love and doing whatever it is they want too do

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