LDS Pals

TWINKLE23 - 40 year old woman from Sparks, Nevada

LDS Singles twinkle23
40 years old
Brown Hair
Other Eyes
5 ft.  4 in.
Above Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Sparks, Nevada
Nail Tech/Prof. Fresh Prince of Bel air Viewer
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hi! I'm Kristen Smith. I haven't been on in like, a couple years because I kept getting people from Nigeria proposing to me all the time . . .

I am an easy going person, and I'm just looking for an easy going guy to have fun with. He must be completely devoted to the gospel and the Lord. I'll take nothing less, as I am completely devoted to the gospel and the Lord.

I know its cliche, but he's gotta have a sense of humor. I laugh every day of my life, and I need someone to keep me laughing every day of my life. Humor is sooo important in a relationship. But I also needs someone who knows where to draw the line and be serious when needed =)

I do like to have fun and laugh and joke, but I like to have meaningful conversations too. I like to discuss politics, and current events. I watch the news . . . I don't live in my own little world like a lot of people. I care about whats going on in the world, and I feel that is very important. I am a psychiatrist to all my friends. I am level headed and I'm able to give them good advice- Thats why they hang around =P

My Interests and Hobbies:

Lets see . . . Music! I love music. Can't live without it. I love to draw, make cards, scrapbook, and, I dunno, just make things! I love myspace and facebook =) If you have one, you can talk to me there too. I don't really watch too much TV, but my favorite shows are Fresh Prince, Ace of Cakes, and ummm, I dunno. I'm obsessed with Twilight and Harry Potter. I LOVE the books and movies.

I just like to have fun. Have a good laugh, or whatever. If you do too, feel free to contact me =) Unless you're from Nigeria cuz . . . yeah.

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