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ALLADIN4 - 55 year old man from Vancouver, Canada

LDS Singles alladin4
55 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  7 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
Vancouver, Canada
Merchent Marine Officer
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Occasionally Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Behind every king there is a good, loving queen. I need an heir to the throne. If you are sincere, honest princess, I am 36 years young (Not old) South East Asian origin Canadian citizen who live and work in beautiful Vancouver Canada.I'm very secure with my work, life and who I am and I am looking forward to meet a Cinderella from any age or any race from anywhere in the world for a true Titanic friendship. As a person I am a happy go lucky single very healthy male who had gone through a very bad relationship in the past. I am looking forward to meet new friends from all over the world. I am not in the mind of games and if you don't know what your wants and needs please do not bother me.

I am planing to visit Philippines soon for a holiday. I am not from the Philippines originally but I have visted there 4 times and have felt in love with the beautiful Islands, culture and the people. It is a very beautiful place and I will be visiting there soon again. Hope to meet some Filipina friends too.

You can send me a message.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Tennis, Boating, Travel around the world, Wild life (Not hunting), Camping (Nature Lover), photography, Sailing, helping elder, cooking (When I cook I clean too)

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