LDS Pals

BOWENMARSH20 - 54 year old man from Kabul Afghanistan , California

LDS Singles BowenMarsh20
54 years old
Black Hair
Blue Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
Kabul Afghanistan , California
US Army
Mission: yes
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I only Wish to dream for someone that will respect me and my daughter and i will always honor her, that want to hold my hand at the end of a long day, someone to be there for me as I am for her, sharing our lives, to talk with, to laugh with and to love. I've a daughter called Tracy she's my everything I do miss her so much..

My Interests and Hobbies:

I do enjoy golf, swimming, and reading, walking on the beach, fishing, camping, scrabbling, playing checkers and seeing good comedies. I love the outdoors mountain biking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, outdoor photography, cooking and also spending some time out with my friends and also my daughter.

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