LDS Pals

FAITHPRAY121 - 38 year old woman from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

LDS Singles Faithpray121
38 years old
Gray Hair
Blue Eyes
6 ft.  0 in.
Slender Build
Never Married
Some College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mission: ny
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I am shy but sincere lady next door. I am successful in my job and secure ..I am willing to relocate anywhere to start a new life with a great man. I am very polite, courteous, respectful, have morals, I am always considerate of others, and absolutely monogamous...I guess I'm just a true gentle lady. I am looking for a active man who is interested in long term relationship and he is willing to be honest and open about himself and to be the best of friends as well as partners. He should be career oriented and willing to contribute towards helping secure a better life for the two of us.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love all kinds of music - I have a real open mind when it comes to music and art. I don't watch too much tv, but I love the Office. Watched a bit of Lost this yr. Foods--my tastes are eclectic. Love wine, coffee & chocolate.

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