LDS Pals

BIRKLEY - 27 year old woman from Ephraim, Utah

LDS Singles Birkley
27 years old
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
5 ft.  6 in.
Average Build
Never Married
Some College
Ephraim, Utah
Mission: no
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hey, I'm nineteen and I live in a tiny little college town and I love it! I love to read and write. I am studying Psychology at a Junior College. I want to work with DCFS to help kids. I like to think I'm adventurous and spontaneous. I am the oldest of eleven kids, and even though they drive me insane sometimes I love being around them. I want to travel the world and see everything and make memories I will never forget.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love being outside. I like to hike my favorite place is Maple Canyon I don't really take a real trail I just pick a place and go it usually works out well. I love kids and animals I'm not a full on cowgirl but I have a little bit of country in me just enough to keep things interesting. I could eat watermelon until I drop and those Cranberry Sprite they have at Christmas make me happier than I like to admit. Oh and I really love Christmas!

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