LDS Pals

PAULKOHKER - 53 year old man from Elkhart, Indiana

LDS Singles paulkohker
53 years old
Gray Hair
Hazel Eyes
5 ft.  10 in.
Above Average Build
College Graduate
Elkhart, Indiana
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Frequently Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

I desire to have a Celestial home and family and realize that the only way to accomplish this is for a husband and a wife to be unified in striving to live the Gospel every day.
In order to achieve this I will:
fulfill my roles as husband, father, and provider.
treat my spouse respectfully(open doors for her, offer to carry her books, offer my jacket).
make time for her.
strive to be sensitive to her needs.
never go to bed without inviting her to pray with me as a couple.
be patient, loving and forgiving as she strives to progress(and need the same in return).
if there are any differences that need to be discussed I will do so patiently,and if necessary, pray with her to seek The Lord's will.
If my wife wants more children that is fine with me. I will protect my family with my life.
I have always striven to be a wise steward over the financial blessings that I have been given.
I'm looking for someone who: will put The Lord first and me second, will strive to live The Gospel daily, give her best efforts to have a happy marriage and family, be kind, and patient.

President Packer once said, The purpose of all activity in the Church is to see that a man and a woman, with their children, are happy at home, sealed together for time and all eternity. This is my goal and I want someone who shares the same.
I hope and pray that we each find the right one for us.

My Interests and Hobbies:

My priorities are: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, spouse, and family.
I will go to church with my family every Sunday.
I will take the initiative to see that we have daily family prayers and scripture study as well as weekly FHE
I will strive to be a worthy Priesthood holder.
I believe in the Family Proclamation and want a home patterned after it.

I enjoy many sports and outdoor activities. I live in the country and enjoy the many opportunities that country life offers.
I exercise and take care of myself physically and want my spouse to do the same.

Some examples of fun dates for me include: going to the temple, doing service for someone, a movie, restaurant, etc. It really doesn't matter that much to me as long as we are spending quality time together.
If you feel that we may be a match please let me know. I'm not too fond of just texting or messaging to get to know you. I realize that it may start out that way but I would prefer to talk to you pretty soon so that we can really get to know each other. If we both are interested then I can travel to meet you, as long as you promise not to leave me stranded at the airport:)!

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