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EVYETTEK - 40 year old woman from Gastonia, North Carolina

LDS Single evyettek
40 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  7 in.
Average Build
Never Married
Gastonia, North Carolina
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Frequently Attends Church
3 Children, 3 at home
My Introduction:

I am interested in different things, and they make my life become brighter! I am a creative and active person, so I like art, music and sports. Most of all I am interested in design, especially clothes. Outfits help people express their tastes, and it is so interesting! Also I like poetry, it is very romantic for such a creative person as I am. I like volleyball very much, because it is a team game. It is always nice to meet people who have the same tastes as you.
I am a pleasant and intelligent lady with many aims and dreams. I believe that if you desire about something, you will get it. So I always follow my dreams but never forget about real life. I am a sporty person.

I am looking for kind, romantic, honest and sincere. He has to be someone I can trust because I believe that a relationship without honesty and loyalty has nothing! I am very Special woman and my partner must be the same. I am looking for the man I can be the happiest Lady in the world! I will give my beloved unforgettable moments of care, devotion and sincere Love! Hope to meet you here!! Maybe you are my destiny!.

My Interests and Hobbies:

One of my biggest hobby is meeting my friends and having some nice conversations in the cafes or just in the city parks) Sometimes we go to have some sushi (it is my favourite dish), sometimes just singing in the karaoke, and at the weekends I enjoy watching some good movie in the cinema. When I am at home cleaning or cooking I also love listening to music, it can be modern music, or some disco of 80th or 90th, it does not matter for me, I can listen to everything, but with a good sense) I have never been abroad in my life but I wish to visit a lot of countries in the future, I really love traveling

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