LDS Pals

SMIHLFELD - 45 year old woman from Aurora, Colorado

LDS Singles smihlfeld
45 years old
Brown Hair
Green Eyes
5 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
Some College
Aurora, Colorado
Mission: no
No Temple Recommend
Occasionally Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hey, I'm Sarah Mihlfeld, an outgoing, athletic, military broadcaster stationed at Buckley Air Force Base.

My plans are to get out of the Air Force (Summer 09) and move onto my next adventure. Maybe it'll be back to Europe, onto Australia who knows?! : )

Got an interest or questions? Just ask and it will be answered.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Check out the pics of some of my favorite places: Athens, Greece, Barcelona, Spain, Kenya, Paris, France, Munich, Germany, Doolin, Ireland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Oh! Edinburgh - my favorite European City thus far.

-Get outdoors
Colorado is awesome! Kayaking, biking, rafting, running, rock climbing...

Winter's coming, so I'll hit the slopes on a snowboard at least a couple times.

-Play any sport
I try REALLY hard.

I'm officially a physical training leader and spin instructor.

I took formal training in Judo, gymnastics, swimming, track and cross country growing up. Any chance to participate in those areas is just fun, now.

I've been called Lil' Scrappy on the court, Tough Stuff, on the football field, but can't really compete in those areas.

-Do anything new
Whether it's a park, restaurant, store, whatever, if it's new to me, I think it's great.

Lately it was at the Festival Italiano, Democratic National Convention, Junior Enlisted events.

-Read, read, read
Travel books, leadership books, textbooks, scriptures....

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