LDS Pals

TANYATEMA - 60 year old woman from S.-Petersburg, Russian Federation

LDS Singles tanyatema
60 years old
Brown Hair
Hazel Eyes
5 ft.  6 in.
Average Build
College Graduate
S.-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Mission: None
No Temple Recommend
Seldom Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:


My Interests and Hobbies:

my interests: reading, knitting, cooking ... spending a time together with my son and conversation or reading of the Gospel or a good literature (we would be happy to share these moments with someone). Theatre, especially ballet; music; learning new things or new places. Treating an aquarium fish, studying the diseases and parasites of fish :)) Loving the nature and all its creatures (mainly water ones). Looking for the person with the same interests, maybe biologist.
Creating a family is the most important thing in the life. We are such the Lord made us, with our goals, plans, and abilities. We cannot betray it; that's why we need to find someone very right - it's my opinion.

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