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JOHNABUS - 74 year old man from Houston, Texas

LDS Singles Johnabus
74 years old
Salt 'n Pepper Hair
Brown Eyes
6 ft.  1 in.
Average Build
Graduate Work
Houston, Texas
Mission: None
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
7 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm joining because I spent the past 29 years with a wonderful woman who crossed-over Christmas day 2005. Even with the support I am getting from my children{ (3 married daughters 1 on a mission) 3 sons 1 married and 1 preparing for a mission} it is not the same as having close companionship of a woman who knows you and wants what is best for you.
Presently I am looking for a close friend; someone to talk to about the things true adults talk about someone to share the vicissitudes of existence.
I suppose I am looking for another soul mate, another best friend. Do not get me wrong I am still in shock about my wife's death but I know in my heart she has entered a Celestial abode and I hope to join her there.
I was looking at another site tonight just to look and found several non-LDS women who wanted an LDS man. I have been active since finding the church in my 25th year and look forward to serving a full time mission with my spouse sometime in the next 15 to 20 years.
I am physically active but not to the point of obsession, my first wife taught me the error of that life. I am kind of a cuddly bear who has a bark much bigger than my bite. I enjoy reading, painting, poetry (have several of mine published) martial arts, hiking, working with the youth (have been a Scout leader for much of the past 20 years). I love the gospel and attempt to keep the commandments.
I want somebody beautiful inside as well as outside, who knows whom and why she is; and is not afraid to stand up for what she knows is right. While my wife and I have had a few discussions {some I won}, we have had very few arguments. I strive to listen and be considerate sometimes I fail, I hope you can forgive and forget. If you like spur of the moment adventure as well as planned outings, enjoy the mountains and the beach, love children and have not lost your child like awe of nature, we might be right for each other.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Golf, Racquetball, Skating, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Skiing, Diving
Aerobics, Cycling, Martial Arts, Running/Jogging, Walking
Fantasy, Fiction, Historical, Mystery, Religious/Spiritual, Science Fiction, Technical
Action, Comedy, Family Films, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Religious/Spiritual, Romantic
Alternative Rock, Blues, Classic Rock, Classical, Jazz, Oldies
Chorus/Singing, Cooking, Dancing, Drama, Drawing, Musical Instruments, Painting, Photography, Public Performance
Computers/Technology, Fine Arts, History, Medical/Health, Sciences, etc.
Biking, Boating, Camping (fair weather), Fishing, Hiking, Horse Riding, Hunting
Flowers, Gardening, Home Improvement, Landscaping
Billiards, Board, Dominos, Strategy, etc.
Choir, Genealogy, Humanitarian Aid, Politics, Preparedness, Scouting

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